My beloved people of Imo State, I bring you warm felicitations on this glorious occasion of Easter The Easter season marks the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the root of Christianity.

 That glorious resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday is the everlasting emblem of the triumph of love over hate, of light over darkness. Most importantly the events of Easter comfort us with the assurance of a secured pathway to our salvation.

As we celebrate Easter, our faith is strengthened because it reminds us that Christ died on the cross for our sake, because he loves us. As Christ himself said; what other love is greater than this... that a man should die for his friends. 

Therefore we should rejoice and be glad, for Christ, our Lord has risen in glory, after paying the supreme sacrifice of shedding his blood, for our sake.

However, as we celebrate, we should ponder awhile and soberly reflect on the power of this love that made Christ to die for us. With such love, we can build a kinder and more inclusive society where love defines how we relate with each other.

Let us, therefore, resolve during this Easter celebration to truly love our country and our state by thinking more of what we can do to make our country and our state better, than thinking more of what we can get out from country and state.

Sacrifice is the pillar of love. Therefore as true Christians, we must be prepared, to make sacrifices for the good  of our neighbour and the larger society.

We can reciprocate the love of Christ by joining hands in Christ like  love to create a better society, a better country.  Often times we bemoan the situation in our country without looking at the corresponding sacrifices and discomfort required to build a prosperous nation.

Most times we beat the drums of war, hankering for the disintegration of the nation without recourse to the love and compassion for each other which is actually the healing balm we require to stay together to build a greater country.

Let the lessons of Easter teach us to be more tolerant, more accommodating, more compassionate in our relationship with one another.

 If we follow the footsteps of Christ who gave His life for our sake, there is no challenge that we cannot surmount as a people and a nation.

Therefore, let this Easter be a time of renewal of our faith in Jesus and our nation. Let this Easter remind us of the love and compassion we owe each other. Let this Easter be a good time for us to rededicate our lives to the service of others.

I thank God for keeping us alive to witness this year's Easter in a convivial atmosphere devoid of fear and uncertainty that was our lot last year. As we recall, we could not even make it to our places of worship last year because of the devastating effects of the Coronavirus which struck the entire world with such Vernon. Let me appreciate all of us for making the sacrifice required to keep us safe. 

Since the primary responsibility of government is the protection of lives and property, I am happy that as a government, we did not shirk that responsibility during the trying times. The worst may be over, but the battle is far from being won. Eternal vigilance  remains our watchword for safety. In this respect, observing all the safety protocols against COVID-19 remain imperative.

So as we troop out to our various worship centres, let us observe all the Covid 19 protocols, especially social distancing, and wearing of face masks.

Let me use this opportunity to assure the good people of Imo State that the COVID-19 Vaccine is completely safe. This is the only hope of immunity from the dreaded virus and I am assuring you that it is not in any way harmful. I have taken it, My wife has, the deputy governor and his wife have also taken it, and nothing has happened to any of us. 

My beloved Imo People, Your safety and wellbeing will always remain the fecal points in the   agenda of our administration. 

  This explains why we have not relented in not only ensuring that you are safe from COVID-19 but also in ensuring that we recorded substantial improvements in infrastructure and general development. You will agree with me that we have more motorable roads in Imo State today than this time last year. More Youths have been empowered for self-employment and the education and health sectors are recording appreciable improvements by the day. 

A few weeks ago when we  celebrated our one year in office the cream of the Nigerian leadership, including the President, The Vice President, The Senate President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well as many state governors, gladly bore witness to the tremendous difference we have made in one year. To God be the glory. 

As we strive to make Imo State better for all of us, let us in the spirit of Easter recommit ourselves to love one another and to love our state. Let us resolve to shun rumour mongering and spreading malicious falsehood against government and against each other. Let us realize that this is the only state we can rightly call our own. We must do all we can, to protect, and not to destroy, our own. Let us show love to each other for a change.

I wish all the good people of NDI IMO a glorious Easter celebration.

Be rest assured that in the coming years, things can only get better.

Please stay safe and take COVID-19 vaccine.

Happy Easter, to all of us

Sen Hope Uzodimma 

Governor, Imo State


Publisher: Don Martyn L.O Nwosu

Ikeduru APC Media Hub


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