DISCLAIMER!!! Fake TELEGRAM account! An imposter and a deceiver on Telegram has opened a FAKE TELEGRAM account, pretending to be the First Lady of Imo State, Her Excellency Barr. Chioma Uzodimma. The username of the FAKE telegram account is @CHIOMAUZODIMM



The link to join Her Excellency, Barr. Chioma Uzodimma's ONLY and OFFICIAL Telegram channel is https://t.me/ChiomaUzodimma 

She does not engage in forex trading etc.

She does not solicit for funds online or ask people to donate to any cause on her behalf.

And she does not send a friend request. 

If you or someone you know has received a message asking for money or about forex trading, please, DO NOT send any money. Report it, and alert others. 


The First Lady of Imo State, Her Excellency Barr. Chioma Uzodimma is ONLY represented through these accounts:


1) Website: www.chiomauzodimma.com 

2) Facebook Page: Chioma Uzodimma

or Link to Facebook page:


3) Instagram:  @he_chiomauzodimma 

4) Twitter:  @Chioma_Uzodimma 

5) Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ChiomaUzodimma

Princess Amarachi Anyaehie

Special Adviser (Media) to the Wife of the Executive Governor of Imo State.

September 24, 2021.

Publisher: Don Martyn L.O 

Ikeduru APC Media Hub



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